Papicture Wedding Photo & Video Studio conferred as "2010 National Product Quality Excellence Awards HALL OF FAME and the SEAL OF THE PRODUCT QUALITY"(Metro Cebu Awards).
Papicture's consistent awards as "Best Photo & Video Studio" in 2008, 2009 and 2010 has finally engraved its name into the prestigious HALL OF FAME by the National Product Quality Excellence Awards. The awarding was held at Caspian Hall, Waterfront hotel on July 03, 2010.

From left: Atty. Reynoso A. Bilarmino(Co-Chairman NPQEA), Mrs. Happy Arrogante(Papicture), Ms. Maria Elena Malinao(Miss Cebu 2010),Lemuel Arrogante(Papicture) and Mr. Roberto Go(NEDA-Regional Dev't Council-7).

Cebu City Mayor Mike Rama delivered an inspirational talk. He sounded like a priest in his message by sharing some biblical passages and admonishing the participants to the righteous things while on earth.