Here are some of my shots...(Lemuel Arrogante)

"My relentless passion to explore the infinite beauty of art, enliven my sensitivity to the fleeting flowing of forms, shape, colors and expressions of life"........ -Lemuel Arrogante
Jojo's black and white photojournalism picture below
will already compete in a national competition. He will just wait for the right time.
The lighting is very much well placed, illumating only the couple's playful expression amidst the crowded market place.-Lemuel
From left standing: Jardon, Jeff, Arnel, Lemuel, Ed, Mark, Regel, Glenn, Junie and Jade
Here are some few shots of the cute and lovely bride Laurie:
Lemuel Arrogante launched in the wedding expo the theme:"Papicture Power Team". Starting the second quarter of this year 2008, he has developed fresh IT marketing initiatives for Papicture that differenciate its product in the wedding and event industry. Please check this link Papicture Profile TeaserVideo
Jun, the following are my suggested pictures for blow-up:
Truly and literally reminiscing the classic black and white in a staircase. The pose and the lightings are disciplines of the famous painter Rembrant, whose paintings are characterized with strong light and shadows. -Lemuel Arrogante
Instant inspiration, quickness and fast lense are the indredients to this dramatic shot. The explosion of excitement in their reception is summarized in this minimalist imagery. -Lemuel Arrogante